History & Milestones

Prolintas Infra Business Trust is the nation’s first listed Islamic Business Trust on the main market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad with the aim of providing stable distribution payouts, endorsed by an experienced Sponsor.

Making history as the


listed Business Trust in Malaysia

The idea of the listing exercise has come a long way since a few years back, which at the time was planned for a conventional listing exercise. However, due to some significant changes in the political landscape and the overall sentiment towards the toll highway, the idea was put on hold.

The listing exercise resumed as PROLINTAS embarked on a concession restructuring initiative to ensure the sustainability and affordability of the highway, with lower toll rates to the users.

The restructuring lays the foundation for listing exercise involving the four income-generating highways namely AKLEH, GCE, LKSA & SILK.

Prolintas Infra Business Trust announced its successful listing on 25 March 2024, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards growth and excellence.


Incorporation of PLKH


Signing of Concession Agreement (“CA”) for AKLEH


Commencement of operations in AKLEH

  • Signing of CA for LKSA

  • Acquisition of GCE Co from Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad


Commencement of operations in LKSA


Completion of AKLEH Phase 2 Launch

(Lane widening from Jelatek to Ampang)


Acquisition of SILK Co from Marine & General Berhad (formerly known as (SILK Holdings Berhad)


Signing of SCAs for AKLEH, GCE, LKSA and SILK for the purpose of toll restructuring

  • Establishment of Prolintas Infra BT pursuant to the Trust Deed

  • Completion of the Pre-IPO Restructuring:

    1. Pre-IPO Acquisition

    2. Debt Financing

    3. Pre-IPO Reorganisation


IPO of Prolintas Infra BT on Bursa Malaysia